Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Personal History Project

In 6th grade you do a bunch of projects for English. The one that has really inspired me was the "Bintaro Lama Project". But I think somethings going to top that. Today we started the Personal History Project. And on Tuesday I called my grandma, to ask her a few questions. We spoke for about 30 minutes. While the talk I was very interested, and kept on coming up with more questions! I didn't know that she had 4 siblings, was a cook for 7 years, and was born in Karlsruhe,Germany. My grandma was 6 years old when World War II started, it was a terrible memory for her, and everyone else. Many people died, and many people were parched from not getting any water!

Could you imagine waking up every time you heard an airplane, and going to the cellar? The airplanes would come at 2am in the morning or 11pm at night. They had to stay in the cellar till they heard no more airplanes, and that was a while. The people who weren't in the army suffered terribly. There were no shops open to buy things, since the French forced them to shut down their business. The worst memory for my grandma was when my Great Grandpa was shot 500 meters from the house. She thought that things couldn't get any worse!

After World War II the French came, and invaded Germany. Mean while things got better, the people got enough food, and the shops finally started to open things. My Grandma went to Karlsruhe, to find a job which she did, as a cook. She had many great memory's during the job. The first place she worked for 3 years(cook), and the second place she worked for 4 years(cook).
My Grandparents have been married for 50 years now, also know as "Golden Marriage". The best things that she would consider was when her children were still young, and her marriage!\

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