Friday, January 22, 2010

10 Vocabulary Sentences

1. Many people that die in Rome are buried in a catacomb.

2. The arsonist burned down the building on purpose.

3. The magician tries to deceive you, but sometimes you can see what he's trying to do.

4. Many doctors have to be very careful when they do an operation, because they have to manipulate their hands.

5. When you work under a person you have to act submissive to them.

6. In the olden days they used cobblestones to pave the streets.

7. In the war many people try to assail their opponents.

8. When you do a puzzle you have to be meticulously with the glue.

9. In American Idol there were a couple of sisters that were inseparable.

10. The rescuers were obliged to save everyone in Haiti.

1 comment:

Maya ♥ said...

Hahahaha! I really like the American Idol one. (Some of the tenses aren't right) Good Job!