Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10 reasons why Haiti is poor

1. One reason why Haiti is poor is because in 1934 the U.S. withdrawed Haiti leaving them with the Haitian Armed Forces, in charge throughout the country.

2. Another reason why Haiti is poor is because International Aid Agencies declared that the Haitian pigs were carrying African swine flu. The pigs were killed leaving the country with hunger.

3. There were protests against "Baby Doc". Baby doc arranged his family and him to be exiled to France.

4. Army leader General Henri Namphy heads a new National Governing Council.

5. President Avril leaves on a Trade Mission to Taiwan, he returns empty handed with no food or money.

6. A small reason why Haiti is poor is because of the horrible nature crisis's that happen to them.

7. Haitians were discriminated by the U.S. and all of the European powers.

8. Many people in Haiti were not able to apply for a job, since many of them didn't know how to read or write.

9. France, U.S, and Canada refused to notice the new government, and stopped the trade with them.

10. Haiti was a French colony, and the french don't do very well. When the Haitians stole property of the French they had no more help from the French.

1 comment:

Nora Trapp said...

I hope these reasons give you a chance to see how poor Haiti is, and how much help they need.