Friday, September 11, 2009



Whenever a whale comes close to shore, hundreds of people flock to see it frolicking in the water rolling over, spouting and slapping its tail at the waves. They hold their breath until it swims safely out to sea again in case the whale beaches itself on the sand and dies. Scientists have theories about why whales do this but no-one really knows why.

Whales, dolphins and porpoises are mammals of the sea and have captivated people for centuries. These beutiful creatures come in all shapes and sizes, and each one has its own personality, way of feeding, communicating, and so on. Look inside this book to see the actual size illustration of a blue whale's eye, a fight between a giant squid and a sperm whale, how we can protect whales and how you can keep a whale in your Swimming Pool!


Anonymous said...

It is so sad about the whales swimming into shore and then dieing. And the part about a whale in my swimming pool? That's just what I would need. I would feed it by.........? :-) Nora, is this your characterization writing, or a book you've read and you're reporting on it? I'm a little unclear. Stop by next week and let's clear this up. mh

Michael said...

Hey Nora, upon further examination, I found this entry was copied right off the back cover of the book. Did you think this was a good thing?