My name is Nora Trapp, and I love to play Soccer and Baskteball, mostly all sports. I was born on the 16th of March 1998. Nora
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I, and me sentances
2) My friends and I went shopping today at Pacific Place.
3) Jason and I were not injured in the earthquake.
4) The 400 meter running team was made up of Val, Zoey, Laila, and me.
5) Maya, and I will go to the track meet today after school.
6) Track and Field practice are attended by Maya, Val, and me.

The Animorphs have always been an awesome group together, but once the newest Animorph joins they all start to break up. This guy needs to learn how to stop controlling people, and not always pretending that he's the right, and cool one. Although the Animorphs know that time is running out quickly they don't know what to do with him.
But all of them can't work together it just won't work, and they also can't upset him, because he's not only an Animorph, but he's dangerous, I'm talking about deadly dangerous like a very deadly poisonous snake!!! What do you think they should? I mean he will help them win against the battle, but they just can’t cooperate with him, and teamwork is already out of their dictionary!!!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Nancy Drew (The Bike Tour)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Roar of the Crowd

This book is about a boy named Manny, and he's starting his VERY FIRST football season at the age of 12. And at age 12 there are a lot of tough guys who will just ram in to you like you're a piece of broccoli, and every boy hates broccoli.
And the worst thing is that Manny is like a small plastic pole that anyone can knock over. And when the coaches see what he does, they always turn and frown at each other, this isn't good… Especially when the team starts losing badly, very badly.
But Manny refuses to give up, and become a loser again. This is a really good book for people who want to be athletes. Any athletes this is how you build confidence in your self. Like me, I'm the only girl on the team, and I still don't quit, because I'm playing soccer for me, only me, no one else. And after 6 years I've gotten pretty good at it, and am very satisfied of how well I've improved over the years.

Racing Cars
For as long as there have been cars, people have wanted to race them. Motor racing takes many forms, from children's go-karts to souped-up family cars and racing trucks, to the exciting world of Formula 1 racing. The name 'Ferrari' makes people think of the famous original red racer, but what do the latest Ferrari's look like?
Do they come in colors other than red? The thrill and action of racing is captured in the detailed pictures in this book, such as a close-up view of a racing car cockpit and engine. Other spreads show how to modify the family car so you can race it on a track, what happens at a pit stop, new safety features for track drivers and much, much more. And what about the problems you'd face if you took your Formula 1 car to the supermarket?
Friday, September 11, 2009
Whenever a whale comes close to shore, hundreds of people flock to see it frolicking in the water rolling over, spouting and slapping its tail at the waves. They hold their breath until it swims safely out to sea again in case the whale beaches itself on the sand and dies. Scientists have theories about why whales do this but no-one really knows why.
Whales, dolphins and porpoises are mammals of the sea and have captivated people for centuries. These beutiful creatures come in all shapes and sizes, and each one has its own personality, way of feeding, communicating, and so on. Look inside this book to see the actual size illustration of a blue whale's eye, a fight between a giant squid and a sperm whale, how we can protect whales and how you can keep a whale in your Swimming Pool!
James and the Giant Peach

Whales on Stilts

Wolf Brother
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Inkheart (Characterization)

Thursday, September 3, 2009
Earthquake Strikes Indonesia...