Three mindless days of water, crashing buildings and mudslides that fill the city of Taiwan. The city is trashed with rubbish, cement, from crashed buildings, and trucks which the Morokot(typhoon) blows away within five seconds... In the picture on the right is a red building which is collapsing, because of the water. The water digs into the ground so deep that it ruins the ground of the building which it stands on, which causes it to colapse. On the picture to the left, is a bridge which has already collapsed, because the water came in so strong in one sudden move that the bridge couldn't hold it anymore.
Why do Typhoons never hit Indonesia? Well you see all of the Countries that are placed very close to the equators never get hit. The relationship between the natural causes of the Typhoon, and people. Well you see when rain falls it goes on the mountain, and then the water rolls down into Taiwan, and floods the city. And then it effects the people. Sometimes there are mud slides, and then it rolls all of the mud down into the city!!!
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