My name is Nora Trapp, and I love to play Soccer and Baskteball, mostly all sports. I was born on the 16th of March 1998. Nora
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Paul Jennings

Saturday, August 22, 2009
Little Giants
Kevin and Danny O'Shea are the worlds most famous brothers in High School. Kevin is the star in the High School Football team, he scores so many touchdowns after 5 minutes you lost count… Kevin also won the Heisman Trophy, and what was Danny doing, well he was sitting on the bleechers while getting splinters. How funL. And now 20 years later, what do you think happened.
Well Kevin is stuck playing Pee Wee Football while being a football coach. And Danny well his Little Giants just got forced to play, although each and every one of them has way different interests than soccer. And now they are prepared to have a football face off match, while Danny's Little Giants stumble and tumble through out the game, and while Kevin's players are all hard core, and ready to kick some butt!!! Who do you think will win?
The report card
This book is about a girl named Nora Rose Rowley, who is so smart, they offered her to skip the grade she is attending right now, which is 5th grade by the way.
This reminds of a friend, she was so good at everything, I swear math, English, running, basketball, soccer, everything!!!
Okay, so back to the story. Now when Nora's at school no one hangs out with her, because obviously no one wants to hang out with a genius at their school!!
But one day in class everyone takes this really hard test which EVERYONE, EVERYONE struggles with except for Nora obviously because she's a genius. But then she takes a moment to think and says '' If I get a good score on this, I'll be the biggest freak ever. But what if I fail the test, and everyone sees it. Will I then be a smaller freak???".Yeah, you guessed of course she PURPOSELY did a bad job on the test… If you wanna know what happens in the book you HAVE to read it. I think the best part is when she shows her parents the bad report card, boy could I see the look on their face in my head!!! She was sent to her room, because her parents are used to her getting the best grades in school, and now she's way at the bottom!
Warriors "Into the wild"
This book is about a bunch cats that join together, and create a clan called the ThunderClan. These cats are responsible to protect everyone from the evil ShadowClan… This is a very very mysterious book, it's very much under the vategory Mystery, and a little under Fantasy. Okay back to the point. Then in the ThunderClan one cat disappears, no one knows where, when or why. So instead of the ThunderClan protecting the people from the ShadowClan they decide to search for their missing clan friend. But then, more, and more, and more cats disappear!!! What do you think will happen? But when the ThunderClan fights and something go's wrong or someone gets hurt it's not a good sign of them winning the cat fight.
This is an action packed adventure. Certain to please any reader who has ever wondered what dreams of grandeur may haunt the family cat. A suspectful animal adventure that will leave readers eyeing Puss a bit nervously.
The Witches
1. Witches always have wigs on, because they're bald
2. Witches always have gloves on.
3. When you look into a witches eyes, they have fire in it.
Anyway, This book is about a little boy, and his grandma who live together. But every now and then her grandma tells her grandson about witches. But when they go to a hotel, for their holidays they meet a real witch, and their head master who is in charge of all the witches that live all around the world. But when they find out that they are trying to get rid of all the children around the world. And now the little boy is trying to save the children from the evil witches. But while he's at it, the witches turn him into a rat. If you read this book you'll see how great, and how touching it is.
Joey Pigza loses control

Joey Pigza is the kind of boy who is cery sensitive, and calm who doesn't get overwhelmed by something. Although the only thing he can really think about is his six-week visit with his dad, Carter Pigza. But Joey's dad is the complete opposite of Joey, he's the kind of guy who likes real to do real boyish things like playing baseball or American Football. But one of the issues that Joey has with his dad is that his dad has showed him all the bad things to do like how to win in a bad way, and how it's more important to win than to have fun. Obviously it's more fun to win, but the most importing thing is to have fun!!! My soccer team has lost like every game, but we still have an awesome time, because each and every one of us loves the feeling of playing soccer… And we ALWAYS, ALWAYS high five each other, and we all say good game, and smile even though we've probably lost badly, but it doesn't matter!!!
But Carter has taught the exact opposite to his son, and now he wants to make it up for Joey by coaching him in a GOOD way, and not being so obsessed with winning. Trust me I've had the kind of coaches who just are so obsessed with winning… But one of the cons about Carter coaching Joey is that he thinks that he's taking control of Joey's life…
Friday, August 21, 2009
How Hedley Hopkins did a dare...
I recommend this book to people under the age of 14, because there are a couple of things that you have to know to complete reading this book.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Typhoon Morokot

Three mindless days of water, crashing buildings and mudslides that fill the city of Taiwan. The city is trashed with rubbish, cement, from crashed buildings, and trucks which the Morokot(typhoon) blows away within five seconds... In the picture on the right is a red building which is collapsing, because of the water. The water digs into the ground so deep that it ruins the ground of the building which it stands on, which causes it to colapse. On the picture to the left, is a bridge which has already collapsed, because the water came in so strong in one sudden move that the bridge couldn't hold it anymore.