Friday, May 21, 2010

Clio Advertising

Clio was very smart, when they chose this. It simply means when you're driving the first brake is always children. And that Mercedes-Benz has impeccable braking skills.

1. Symbolism - The word "Child" represents a child on the road, about to get run over by a car.
2. Body Language - This means the way the model is placed, but in this picture there is no model.
3. Camera Angle - They put the camera on the bottom so that it stands out better.
4. Special Effects - All of the words are not clear, but the word "child" is the only word you can see clearly.
5. Lighting & Color - The dull color represents that it is not pretty to drive without a brake.
6. Beauty & Social Standing - This means there is a beautiful/attractive model, there is no model in this ad.
7. Layout & Graphics - The graphics are very good in this ad, I love that it only bolds out the child word.

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