Today I straight after school I have basketball, and straight after basketball I have soccer. I'm already exhausted from P.E I had last block. And guess what, we had the pacer, push up, sit up tests. I got 66 on the pacer, I was upset because I didn't improve my score. The previous score I had gotten 71! Basketball is held in the Big gym for 1 hour , which means no A.C! Soccer is on Field 1 for 1 1/2 hours! I don't like Field 1, because when you slip on it you get a big scar, and the black rubber things get stuck in your skin, and it really hurts to take them out when your leg is infected! The good thing about Field 1 is that when it rains it won't become slippery.
To add to my busy schedule I come home at 8:00, and have to finish tons of homework. I have to write paragraphs about my house in math, study for the formative science test, finish my science worksheet, and finish a page of Spanish in my work book! Oh, and I almost forgot I have to write a draft letter for my Personal History Project. In the letter I am my grandparent, and I'm writing to a friend or relatives, about World War II. I chose this subject to zoom in, because there are many factors in World War II.
I am liking the Personal History Project, because you get to talk with your grandparent, or grand grand parents about their life, and how it was. The worst thing in my Grandma's life was World War II. She lost many friends, and I'm not sure if she lost any family in World War II, I don't really want to ask her that. Because it might be a little too personal!
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