Nora Trapp
27, October2009
Nora Trapp
“No, that is so unfair you get a 7th grader!!!” I shouted in my brothers’ face. “But you have three 6th graders, and that’s how much one 7th grader is worth!”
“Fine, but if we lose it’s because the teams are so unfair.” I yelled in displeasure!
“Alright, whoever wins gets to ride on the loser’s back.” My brother said pulling his hand out, ready to make the bet official. I gave him my hand, but I didn’t look at his face because I was so mad at him. But as we keep on playing we have a tie, none of us can score the next goal. So we said “who ever scores this goal has the ability to dominate our favorite seat in the living room for 1 month!!!” Who wouldn’t say yes to this deal? One month, really one month, and this time my parents were listening to. So this game would really count.
“AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH” I yell, falling down on the ground not moving a single muscle while the parents start crowding around me. I felt like bursting out even more tears, but I was playing with younger kids and I didn’t want to be the one crying!!! I was so overwhelmed when I found out I was on the ground instead of my brother. Yes he is my older brother, but I wanted to win the ball this time, which I always do, but today it just wasn’t my lucky day.
My brother knows it was a very malicious thing to do, but he should at least help me up, instead of my mom helping me up, because obviously it was his responsibility of taking care of me, since it was HIS fault!!! The next thing I know is that they’re riding me in a car full speed to global doctor. Trust me when you’re already in pain you feel even more in pain when you’re in a car that’s going super speed.
Okay this is how it started. It was the perfect day for playing soccer, not too hot, not too breezy. Any way we had started of with a very easy, fun game. As the game wraps up to the ending, we ask some parents to play with us, because both teams were getting exhausted.
“Two more minutes, alright guys.” My mom shouts, from the distance.
And now it’s only me, against my brother one on one. I look him in the eye with a keen look determined to get pass him, and score. As I tap the ball skillfully, the next thing I can see is my brother running full speed against me. Then I begin to recognize that it’s my foot that’s in pain. As I notice while I’m dropping to the ground, my brother’s foot was still on my foot, and I was running the other way. Now what I hear is a small crack. I can’t explain what the crack sounds like. But I when I bend my foot I can hear the same crack.
After I take my small nap, which everyone does when they’re injured? The next thing that I find out is that I have to walk around with these very annoying crutches. That means no soccer for two months. Am I even able to survive that long?