When I heard this word I was perplexed, and you might also feel this way, but wait till you read this. Plastiki is a catamaran made from plastic bottles. Guess how many plastic bottles they used....... (Guess before you look)
They used 12,000 plastic bottles!!!! It took them 3 and a half years to complete this expedition, just in time for the "World Water Day". Which was on the 22nd of March. On Saturday they set sail for a 100 day venture from San Fransisco to Sydney, while crossing the Pacific Ocean. They call this a little voyage. The reason David de Rothschild (creator of the Plastiki) why they made Plastiki is to see the problem of plastic waste and how it can be reduced in new and healthy ways. You might think this is just a boat made of bottles, and that's it. Well it's not, the Plastiki is a very high tech boat!!!